As some of you know, and if you don't know I tell you, 9 friends of mine and my sister came to visit me on 10th april to Shanghai. I went to pick them up to the airport because they were scared to come alone from there, unbelievable!!!!! Anyway, I brought them to Sahnghai city by Maglev!! The Father Fermí were very very excited, he was taking lot of pictures and he was very nervous. It was the first time for him in the Maglev, moreover, he is the first of all his train friends who get into the Maglev!
After 7 minuts and 33 seconds we arrived to shanghai. We got off and finally they could see the Shanghai's caos and the water vapour!!! After taxi to my home, leave the things, go to the hotel, dinner and live Shanghai night! The day after we left to Xi'an and after Beijing, I'll skip that because I did a sumarize in the last post.
On thursday 16th we came back to Shanghai, we had some problems at the hostels, but finally we solved. On friday we went to see the city, pudong, the tower, nanjing lu, ... On the night we have a spanish dinner at my place, lot of food!!!! We couldn't finish all food we prepared. After that we did a joke tournament and after that, some people went to sleep and some went to a party!!
On saturday I stayed at home, but some of my friends went to Suzhou, and the others stay around shanghai. I had to prepare the big party for them. The party was very very good, but the hing is that 4 of my friends didn't come and the others were only a little. but still, we enjoyed so much.
In conclusion, the visit was very good and it made me happy. Now I have lot of spanish food to eat!!!!!!
One man calls emergency:
- Come immediately, my little son has swallowed a condom!
After five minutes, the same man calls back:
- It is OK, I found another one.
dissabte, 25 d’abril del 2009
dimarts, 21 d’abril del 2009
Després de molt de temps sense escriure, ja que he estat molt ocupat, al principi amb el pis, després amb el projecte i després preparant el viatge per als meus amics!! Resumisc un poc el que ha passat durant aquest temps.
Primer que res, cada vegada estic més content de viure al pis. Ha sigut un encert total!
Segon, vam fer una festa de benvinguda del pis i va ser tot un èxit! va vindre moltíssima gent i de totes les nacionalitats! Hi havien espanyols, valencians, vascs, suecs, polaques, alemanys, danesos, xinesos, japonesos, de sierra leona, colombianes, venezolanes, mexicans, francesos, italians, aust ríacs, holandesos, noruegs. En definitiva, va ser una festa multicultural i ens ho varem passar genial.
Després ja va ser tot un caos, fent el projecte i arreglant el viatge per als que venien a veure'm, que encara que pensen que jo no he fet res, estan molt equivocats. Encara que he d'admetre que plus ha sigut el meu salvador, sense ell no haguera pogut planificar el viatge tan magnífic i espectacular que hem fet.
Bé doncs, sols em kedava esperar a que els tiparracos i tiparraques arrivaren a l'aeroport, com son un poquet tontets (desde el carinyo) vaig tindre que anar a arreplegar-los a l'aeroport! Això era el divendres dia 10 d'abril! Es van aposentar on es tocava i a l'endemà cap a xi'an!
En xi'an passarem el dissabte i el diumenge, varem veure la muralla, els guerrers i 4 coses més de per alli. El dilluns posarem rumb cap a Beijing. La capital va ser espectacular! Alli vàrem veure la gran muralla, la ciutat prohibida, el heaven temple, el summer palace, el buda temple, tian'anmen i vàries cosetes més. Allí estiguerem fins el dijous per la nit que tornàrem a Shanghai. En el pròxim post ja contaré shanghai!
Espere veure moltes fotos al facebook i tuenti!!!!!!
xiste del dia:
això és un tiparraco que es mor en dilluns i diu: ostia puta, doncs si que comence bé la setmana!!!!!!!!
Primer que res, cada vegada estic més content de viure al pis. Ha sigut un encert total!
Segon, vam fer una festa de benvinguda del pis i va ser tot un èxit! va vindre moltíssima gent i de totes les nacionalitats! Hi havien espanyols, valencians, vascs, suecs, polaques, alemanys, danesos, xinesos, japonesos, de sierra leona, colombianes, venezolanes, mexicans, francesos, italians, aust ríacs, holandesos, noruegs. En definitiva, va ser una festa multicultural i ens ho varem passar genial.
Després ja va ser tot un caos, fent el projecte i arreglant el viatge per als que venien a veure'm, que encara que pensen que jo no he fet res, estan molt equivocats. Encara que he d'admetre que plus ha sigut el meu salvador, sense ell no haguera pogut planificar el viatge tan magnífic i espectacular que hem fet.
Bé doncs, sols em kedava esperar a que els tiparracos i tiparraques arrivaren a l'aeroport, com son un poquet tontets (desde el carinyo) vaig tindre que anar a arreplegar-los a l'aeroport! Això era el divendres dia 10 d'abril! Es van aposentar on es tocava i a l'endemà cap a xi'an!
En xi'an passarem el dissabte i el diumenge, varem veure la muralla, els guerrers i 4 coses més de per alli. El dilluns posarem rumb cap a Beijing. La capital va ser espectacular! Alli vàrem veure la gran muralla, la ciutat prohibida, el heaven temple, el summer palace, el buda temple, tian'anmen i vàries cosetes més. Allí estiguerem fins el dijous per la nit que tornàrem a Shanghai. En el pròxim post ja contaré shanghai!
Espere veure moltes fotos al facebook i tuenti!!!!!!
xiste del dia:
això és un tiparraco que es mor en dilluns i diu: ostia puta, doncs si que comence bé la setmana!!!!!!!!
dissabte, 4 d’abril del 2009
Hi everyone, I know that I spent so much time without write here, but I'm very busy this days. I moved to the city, I had to buy the staff for the apartment, apply for internet, sign the contract, do my project, study chinese. Moreover, I spent 5 days in Sanya, in Hainan Island, relaxing myself, :)
If someone of you don't know where is Hainan, I'll tell you that it is in the south of China, between Vietnam and Philliphines. So you can imagine which weather it was there. On facebook you'll find the pictures!!!!
Once I did the brief introduction I can tell you about the trip!
Our trip started on wednesday from our lovely campus Jiading. We took the bus to the airport very happy and excited. Once in the bus, I decided to see our schedule flight, and surprise: The plane was taking off from the other airport!!! alarms on!!! We had to get off the bus and took a taxi. Fortunately, we had enough time!!
We arrived to Sanya, it was 30ºC. Cool, like a summer. We arrived to the hostel, funny recepcionist was there!! We got the room and we went to the beach! The day after we went to see "The Monkey Island", and island where the monkeys are jumping and running around and you can touch and see them!
The next days were the same, paradisiac beach with a coconut during the day and party during the night. :)
Bueno i ara parlaré en valencià que ja m'he cansat de l'anglés! La qüestió és que el viatget va estar de puta mare, varem coneixer molta gent, inclús un espanyol que estava treballant alli!!! FLipaaaa! Però lo millor de tot eren les recepcionistes, que volien aprendre espanyol! Mala risa, tots els matins master class the Hanyu-Espanyol!! El lloc era molt agradable i confortable i com no, molt FAMILIAR!!! jeje
Açò és tot fins el moment, bueno, açò i que ja estic vivint en la ciutat en un apartament en la planta 21 amb unes vistes que flipes!! Atents al facebook que colgaré fotos del viatge i de les vistes del pis!!!
Com diria uno que jo conec:
Bon vent i barca nova!!
joke of the day (from Iñaky):
There are two bitches in a motorbike,
and suddenly your mother fell down!!!!!!!
If someone of you don't know where is Hainan, I'll tell you that it is in the south of China, between Vietnam and Philliphines. So you can imagine which weather it was there. On facebook you'll find the pictures!!!!
Once I did the brief introduction I can tell you about the trip!
Our trip started on wednesday from our lovely campus Jiading. We took the bus to the airport very happy and excited. Once in the bus, I decided to see our schedule flight, and surprise: The plane was taking off from the other airport!!! alarms on!!! We had to get off the bus and took a taxi. Fortunately, we had enough time!!
We arrived to Sanya, it was 30ºC. Cool, like a summer. We arrived to the hostel, funny recepcionist was there!! We got the room and we went to the beach! The day after we went to see "The Monkey Island", and island where the monkeys are jumping and running around and you can touch and see them!
The next days were the same, paradisiac beach with a coconut during the day and party during the night. :)
Bueno i ara parlaré en valencià que ja m'he cansat de l'anglés! La qüestió és que el viatget va estar de puta mare, varem coneixer molta gent, inclús un espanyol que estava treballant alli!!! FLipaaaa! Però lo millor de tot eren les recepcionistes, que volien aprendre espanyol! Mala risa, tots els matins master class the Hanyu-Espanyol!! El lloc era molt agradable i confortable i com no, molt FAMILIAR!!! jeje
Açò és tot fins el moment, bueno, açò i que ja estic vivint en la ciutat en un apartament en la planta 21 amb unes vistes que flipes!! Atents al facebook que colgaré fotos del viatge i de les vistes del pis!!!
Com diria uno que jo conec:
Bon vent i barca nova!!
joke of the day (from Iñaky):
There are two bitches in a motorbike,
and suddenly your mother fell down!!!!!!!
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